Excellence Peak Performance Coaching & Mentoring
“Our chief want in life is somebody
who will make us do what we can.”
–Ralph Waldo Emerson
Our Peak Performance Coaching and Mentoring is driven under two umbrellas
Individual Coaching – Business Proprietors & Entrepreneurs
What is Coaching and its purpose?
We help people move forward and set personal and professional goals that will give them the life they really want. Most coaching clients are healthy, successful people who might be a bit stuck or simply want to make a big change in their lives and want the support of their own personal coach to do so. We are there to help.
The process of coaching is multifaceted. It can address specific personal projects, business successes, general conditions and transitions in the client’s personal life, relationships or profession by examining what is going on right now, discovering what your obstacles or challenges might be, and choosing a course of action to make your life be what you want it to be.
You might be an executive or the owner of a successful small business , an entrepreneur looking to find balance between the demands of work and the needs of your family. You might be an empty-nester looking to make a difference in the lives of others but not sure which direction to choose. Maybe it’s simply that you want your already great relationship to be spectacular.
Perhaps you are a musician, a writer, or an artist looking for a creative breakthrough, or a doctoral candidate looking for the perfect thesis. You might even be a twenty-something techno whiz entrepreneur with a brilliant idea for a product or service that will change the world forever. Maybe you just want to figure out how to have more fun.
Whatever your circumstances, goals or dreams might be, the bottom line is that your life is in transition.
And you are determined to make your life be what you want it to be!
That’s where a Coach comes in: We will help you turn your dreams into reality.
How Does Coaching Work?
A simple four step process:
We would commence with a Complimentary Coaching Consultation. Here we discuss your need for coaching weigh up the options and design a plan of action for the first session. This complimentary session could last anywhere from 60 to 90 minutes.
Once we have determined this frame of reference to work from, we then develop the detail schedule of 30 to 90 mins phone call per week or per fortnight. We follow this through with unlimited Email support, to ensure the client is very entrenched in the transformation that we expect to happen.
We will do a periodic “dip stick check” to see how the transformation has worked out. This is a brief overview of the process of coaching. It obvious we will be covering the needs definition, the actual process and specific intervention in greater detail.
Coaching is a designed alliance between coach and client where the coaching relationship continually gives all the power back to you, the client. We believe that you know the answers to every question or challenge you may have in your life, even if those answers appear to be obscured, concealed or hidden inside.
Our job is to guide you to unravel that answer. Our skills are about knowing the right questions to ask and having the right tools and techniques to empower you to find those answers within yourself.
You, the client, are the only expert in your entire life who truly knows who you are and what you need. You are the only expert who can recognize what is absolutely best for you. We are simply experts in the coaching process. As your coach, we help you discover what your own personal “best” might be.
Every day we make choices to do or not do many things. These choices may range from profound to trivial and each one has an effect that makes our lives more fulfilling or less fulfilling, more balanced or less balanced, that make our process of living more effective or less effective. Life coaching helps you learn how to make choices that create an effective, balanced and fulfilling life. We help you connect your head, your heart, your health and your soul set in a way that transforms your passion for your dreams into action for your life.
We are highly trained as generalists and can coach superbly on any aspect of life. However, we may choose to specialize in the following areas:
- Whatever that is required to BUILD YOU: – Confidence, Self-Worth, Self Esteem, Self-Doubt, Stress, Uncertainty, Fear of Failure or the Unknown, Require Constant Validation, Lack of a Plan,
- Drive your Why – Purpose: – Lack of Plan, Purposeless living, motivation slumps, No energy.
- Loving Relationships that work: – Build on the Synchroneity & Chemistry
- Career Change: – creating work place that work for you.
- Business Strategic Build:- Step up your financial positioning with down to earth basics on how to scale up business.
- Then we’ll celebrate with you
Connect with us admin@davidnair.net to know more about this process and why it is so effective with thousand of Transformations and Breakthroughs.
Ways for you to benefit from coaching:
Provides clarity on you wants
Coaching assist with providing the required clarity.
What you want,
Why you want it,
How you can get it.
Who you want to be?
What is your passion and purpose in life?
What is important to you?
Its been proven as high as 95 % of the population go through life without taking the time to define themselves and their life. They never have a clear direction, and hence struggle through and settle for mediocrity.
Allow me to help provide this clarity. -
Bridge the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.
I truly believe that if you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always got. Hence to get where you really want to get to, you need to do something different. Coaching will help you discover what you need to do differently and support you in your achievements. Always take note Coaching is an investment in yourself and it will benefit your entire life.
Coaching opens new ways to assist you to reach your goal faster.
The coach will use various Strategies and techniques which will assist in streamlining the process towards you outcome faster. The coach has many tools and techniques to quickly draw out the way forward for you. Through coaching you will discover more options than you thought were possible. Coaches will use inciteful and challenging questions to help you decide which path is the right one. Having decided on what actions you need to take, the coach will ensure that you are 100% committed to achieving them, and help you deal with any obstacles on the way.
Pathway to overcome obstacles, worry, fear, low confidence and insecurity.
A person of influence portrays an empowering Self Image. The basics for success in self-mastery, workplace, family relationship, health and self-centeredness. To know our true worth and our self-belief factor is vital for the engine to fire in all cylinders. This will create the required internal and external congruency for manifestation to happen. Our best friend and worst enemy is our Self Talk. There is a constant flow of thoughts and opinions about our abilities, going on inside our head. Through conditioning our self-talk tells us what we can’t do, why we can’t do it, and the worst-case scenario if we tried – these ‘limiting beliefs’ stop us from moving forward. They are thoughts we have about ourselves that are very often based on no fact. These thoughts – conditioning are built up over time from what we are told during childhood, schooling and adult life. In most instance these inherited limiting beliefs are passed down from family, friends, teachers and our peers.
These limiting beliefs can give you low confidence and insecurities and often become obstacles to achieving what you physically can achieve. Coaching will help uncover these beliefs and through determination and time you can overcome them. The coach will help you with strategies and techniques to use to change your thoughts into more positive ones that will enable you to move forward. Through various pattern change, tools we will guide you to combat the above disempowering emotions, allowing you to recognize then and work with them in resolving concerns and drive towards your required outcomes. -
Do It Now.
We will assist and guide you to walk through the said practices such that you become a master in those patterns for change. Thereby manifesting your required outcome.
Unfold the possibility for your life
Due to the 3 E’s of how we learn: Mainstream Education, Experience and Exposure most of us see a life as fixed, permanent, as having no choice or no control. Coaching unfolds this limitation and provides an outside perspective, with numerous options regardless of circumstance.
A developed Plan of Action (POA)
Our primary motive in coaching is to provide direction and purpose. This with a detailed plan of action is inevitable pathway for success. This is our approaching in drive excellence through Coaching. Which is contrary to what the 80 % ers out there are doing – the don’t have a life or goal plan; they approach life day-to-day with no clear intentions, vision or mission. All that changes with us taking on your coaching.
Someone who provides the dedicated time, support, encouragement, motivation to hold you accountable for you action plan.
To have a person – Coach to check in with your weekly activity is like having a best friend whose sole purpose is to help you succeed and hit whatever target you have set. Sometimes it is hard to find people in our lives who can honestly hold us accountable, all while cheering us on and motivating us throughout the whole process.
How great would it be to have someone 100% dedicated to helping you achieve your dream. A Coach gives you this dedicated time; they support you, celebrate successes with you and help motivate you along the way. How often do you speak with a friend about a problem and it ends up being about them and what they did. Your Coach is only interested in you, your goal and supporting you to get there.
Allow me to help you journey through your challenges and provide a clarity of what you would like to achieve and when your would like to achieve it by.
“Your life is your message. Make it an inspiring one” -Buddha

The Best In The World Have A Coach… So Why Wouldn’t You?
The best of the best have a coach.
The best golfer in the world, Tiger Woods, has a coach.
Michael Jordan, the best basketball player of all time, had a coach.
Barack Obama has coaches and advisors in his life.
Wayne Gretzky. Lance Armstrong. Oprah Winfrey. Donald Trump. Bill Gates. Warren Buffet. Richard Branson. Tony Robbins. Arnold Schwarzenegger all have coaches.
Many of the top entertainers, musicians, performers, entrepreneurs, investors, and leaders on this planet have coaches.
Successful people have coaches. Why not you?
Contact Us for more details