“Our Mission, Vision, and Core Values are the drivers and barometer by which we maintain our standard of excellence.”
David Nair is one of the most sort after people developer on leadership and personal mastery. As an Excellence Peak Performance Coach & Mentor, David has a unique skill off quickly diagnosing development needs within a person. He has a rare ability of electrifying an audience, yet deliver simple fundamentals for change, that would step the individual up, help teams and organizations performance raise many folds over. For over 30 years, David has been involved with most of the premier companies in India, helping empower, coach, mentor their senior management, VP and CEO’s.

“Excellence is not achieved by Chance, It is result of High Intention, born of an environmentally congruent Spirit”
-David Nair
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“The purpose of our lives is to be Happy!”
-Dalai Lama
One Fundamental to Excellence Peak Performance Coaching and Mentoring is your Happiness Factor.
Self–Assessment Exercise
Rank yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 for each of the four criteria set below.
Be honest with yourself in your assessment. Introspect to see how you could move up the scale by one point per month. Where do you stand with each of these four criteria to Happiness?
Where are you currently with them?
“Small Shifts, Generate Big Gains”
-David Nair
To download a chapter from “I eXceL Wired for Success”


We at BNT approached Mr. David Nair for coaching all our department managers and training of their subordinates. I am happy to say this people developmental work was impactful on each of the participants.

It is an absolute pleasure and honor to work with a thorough professional such as David – I got the opportunity to first work with David during my L&D stint with Vodafone Karnataka – having done extensive and high impact sessions across various BU’s in Vodafone…

David is a Great Coach, Mentor, Trainer, Friend and a top notch Learning Consultant, but not many people in my network know that he was one of the few people who mentored me as I started preparing for a new role in Talent Management covering the entire ASIA region…

David provided executive coaching at our Chennai, India site. He provided incisive advice and a structured approach to measuring improvement across some key areas, particularly around cross group collaboration and on establishing corporate mission alignment.